About wmckenzie.com

wmckenzie.com is where I share my thoughts and opinions on a wide array of topics/interests of mine. Topics that will be frequent include blockchain, cooking, sports, photography, and personal.

About William McKenzie

I am a cryptocurrency and blockchain enthusiast. Based in the states, I’m currently pursuing my undergrad degree with a focus in the medical field. In my off time, I enjoy swimming, exercising, biking, playing golf, reading, and cooking. You can find me mainly busy producing numerous content on Tezos at Tezos Commons.


Nothing written on this site is intended to be a means to be constituted as financial advice. All content published on wmckenzie.com is intended to be for information and education purposes only. Please contact and seek a duly licensed professional for financial and investment advice.

None of the information posted on wmckenzie.com is intended to be used for slandering, sleuthing or any purposes that could cause harm to any individual. If you think these opinions do cause harm, then you should seek out and consult a duly licensed therapist.


Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter, or send me an email over to william@wmckenzie.com.