It’s been a few months since I shared some of my routines/workouts.

Since that point in time, I’ve made lots of progress and now take on a slightly intensified version. I figured why not share that out in case you happen to fall in the same bucket.

That bucket being – you’re making lots of progress and wanting to move on to a more intensified version as your current routine isn’t cutting it anymore.

I won’t bore you with any philosophy/cushion systems that I follow, you can choose to read those at your own convenience listed below.

It’s crazy to me its already been more than 5 months since I started. I’m wired in a very strange way and I’m learning it more and more with the longer term changes I begin to incorporate.

As enamored in some of those links, I’m truly an event based person (WTF moment). That seems to be the way in which I make consistent and long term changes.

All it takes is for one thing to happen and a few primers that lead to that WTF moment and I stay bent on something, not stopping until I see it through entirely.

You may be different, I’m just merely being transparent in my own psychology. No one will help you figure it out besides you. Fitness has truly became the ultimate escape route for stress and a plethora of things for me.

That said, I introduce to you “Insanity“.